Office: (301) 921 8886 or Fax: (301) 921 9523
Pentagon - Custom wood doors and custom bullet resistant wood doors, glass and glazing, and security glazing.
Food and Drug Administration - Glass and Glazing, curtain-wall, skylight, and steel window installation.
National Maritime Intelligence Center
Washington Navy Yard- Furnish and install replacement glass to be installed in place of existing vents reusing the existing frame.
National Archives - Furnish and install all glass skylight systems, curtain wall, glass and glazing.
Old Executive Office Building- Removal of existing glass skylights, rehabilitation and re-glazing. (entire roof)
Renovate Building 61, National Defense Univ, Ft. McNair- Furnish and install custom designed extruded aluminum cornices.
Federal Trade Commission- Custom Designed new Entrances & Hardware to match existing profiles and custom cast/plated hardware components.
U.S.D.A - Blast Mitigation
U.S.D.A Mail Center
Main Treasury Renovations- Furnish and install new transoms and clerestory glass, glazed panels, bronze doors and frames.
Old State Build Out, U.S department of State- Furnish and install ornamental metals, bronze storefront, glazing and mirrors.
Old Patent Office Building- Furnish and install all glass and glazing, bronze doors, glass doors, glass floors, historic replica laylite glass panels into restored laylite framing.
HOLC Building- Blast Mitigation
International Monetary Fund- Blast Mitigation
Department of Interior- Steel Restoration and misc. glass and glazing